07/28/22 Explore India

 July 28 Explore India 2022

It’s been a long time coming, but I am finally travelling internationally. Today I left for a near month in India. I’m flying from Pearson to Delhi with my daughter Emma and 12 “sisters”.

First success was taking the GO Train to the airport. For $17 we didn’t have to fight the traffic if the 401 and we were able to sit back and enjoy the ride. The skies opened moments after we settled on the train. Most if our group were travelling through Toronto. We met there, with the intent to carry on together.

Alexandra and Corette were delayed coming from BC, but did manage to make our flight. Linda B from the US arrived in time, but sadly she fell victim to the fates of Pearson airport. Her plan could not get an assigned gate and then there were no crew available. She will join us tomorrow. 

Based on the photo and the signals given by my AirTags, it appears that my checked luggage may also appear tomorrow. Emma and Catherine were upgraded to business class. My lovely daughter let me take the sleeper seat while she sat in mine.

A lovely meal was followed by a couple of good naps. Tomorrow, arrival in Delhi. 


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