07/29/22 Delhi Arrival

 July 29 Delhi Arrival

It was a long day, and not uneventful, but to worth it. We arrived in Delhi to a balmy 28 degrees and a humidity level that caused my hair to instantly friz. Of course,our arrival gate was “as far as possible” from immigration. It’s a BIG airport. It is 1.5 km (inside) to get from gate to customs. 

We were the last rag tag group to be wondering down the hallways, so we were offered a ride.We piled most of our luggage and half the team into the cart!

Delhi airport has never been busy when I have arrived. But today was magic. At immigration we must fill out a paper with our intended destination. The entire immigration process was less than 15 minutes for a group of 10 people. Stunning. 

Luggage was our downfall. Sadly, two bags did not make the jump from a Calgary flight to our plane. Corette and Alexandra are true Girl Guides. They both came prepared with some carryon items and a smile to boot. 

Bhanu was waiting for us as we stepped into the concourse. After some quick hellos we were off to our love bus. The AC was pumping and our luggage was loaded!

Our fist hotel is the Delhi Grand. We grabbed some dinner from the huge assortments and offerings while our room assignments were taken care of by Bhanu. Do our delight, Liane found us in the restaurant. She had arrived from the UK earlier in the day. 

It was nearly 1am on July 30th by the time we had our luggage, our beds and our bodies sorted. A 9.5 hour time difference means a 25 hour journey for Emma and I. Sleep was not going to be a problem!


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